abril 18, 2007

los servidores de LOTRO se cierran durante un día

Ayer, después de cenar intenté conectarme al nuevo juego en linea que está haciendo furor, LOTRO.
El fin de semana pasado, mi cuñado tubo a bien (gracias cuñaaoo xD) regalarme una preorder del juego, con la que tendré ventajas si decido comprarlo y además 10 días de prueba para ver si realmente me gusta o no.
No puedo decir demasiado del juego, pues no es que haya tenido demasiado tiempo para probarlo y a lo más que he llegado es a tener un "Humano Ladrón y Armero" de nivel 10.
Habiendolo probado tan escasas horas no me atrevo a decir demasiado, a parte de que el juego tienen un aire muy importante a conocidísimo y exitoso WoW y que como este último el juego engancha.
Los gráficos son muy decentes, el sonido también lo es y en general me he encontrado muy pocos BUGs. Cosa que, teniendo en cuenta la complejidad extrema que tiene un juego de estas características y que aun no ha salido oficialmente, demuestra un gran trabajo de desarrollo.

El caso es que ayer intenté conectarme y me encontré con una imagen parecida a la que encabeza este comentario, bastante desoladora, con todos los servidores caídos y con Warning, que me redirigía a este foro, ya ayer a eso de las nueve de la noche había como doscientos mensajes de todo indole, aunque en general los usuarios no hacian sangre y pedian calma para que se arreglara cuanto antes y no vuelva a suceder. Esta mañana los servidores continúan ciados y en el mensaje piden algo mas de tiempo para resolver el problema.
Sobre qué ha pasado, no han dicho más que es un issue relacionado con el Hardware de los servidores y las bases de datos, aunque a mí me gusta mucho más esta explicación que da un forero:

Ok Ok I'll spill the beans. Someone found Saurons ring and decided to wear it and has caused chaos all over middle earth. The devs are currently gathering up armys of elves and men to take back the ring and bring balance to the lotro world.

Al menos se lo están tomando con humor :)... veremos en qué queda todo esto y esperemos que puedan restablecer el servicio cuanto antes para que la gente pueda echar sus ratos buenos, a un (a primera vista) gran juego en línea.

Probadlo si podéis, os gustará.

Aquí os dejo un TimeLine de lo que ha ido aconteciendo desde el día de ayer:

15.48 Update - We're very sorry to report that the issue remains and is not yet resolved. We need to keep these servers down for an extended period whilst we try to fix the problem. We will keep you updated and bring them back online as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience.
17.05 Update (Laeth) -Our team are still hard at work investigating the cause of this issue. As soon as we have more information we'll let you know - apologies for any inconvenience this may be causing you.
18:10 Update (Deum) - Unfortunately, due to ongoing issues, the remaining worlds have had to be taken offline. This is a preventative measure, to ensure no major issues are encountered further down the line. We will continue to provide updates as and when we receive more information.
19:20 Update (Deum) - Just an update to let you know that our NetOps team are still working very hard to resolve the issues. As before if there is anything to report, we will post it here.
21:20 Update (Zzeno) - Evening all, a note to let you know that our Engineering team is on site at our European datacentres working through the problems encountered tonight. A fix is being applied to the hardware which should resolve the issue and we will of course update you as events unfold. Thanks again for your patience as our pizza filled techies do what they do best... techie stuff.
Update 12:07 (Deum) - Unfortunately, due to the database hardware issues we have been experiencing, it has become necessary to keep the LOTRO service offline until sometime tomorrow. Our NetOps team are working closely with our hardware engineers to resolve the problems efficiently. However, given the current circumstances a resolution will not be obtained until later.
Whilst we would like to provide an accurate timescale, in this instance, it is very difficult to estimate. However, we are aiming to have the service back up and running at around midday (BST) on 18/04/07.
We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and will of course keep you updated with any further details as they occur.
Server Status Update
Unfortunately, due to the database hardware issues we have been experiencing, it has become necessary to keep the LOTRO service offline until sometime tomorrow. Our NetOps team are working closely with our hardware engineers to resolve the problems efficiently. However, given the current circumstances a resolution will not be obtained until later.
Whilst we would like to provide an accurate timescale, in this instance, it is very difficult to estimate. However, we are aiming to have the service back up and running at around midday (BST) on 18/04/07.

We sincerely apologise for any inconvenience this has caused and will of course keep you updated with any further details as they occur.

Algo más de información sacada de la pagina 47 del foro (no, no he leido las 46 anteriores, aunque lo parezca :)). Post de ayer a las 21:16 BST (British Summer Time).

Hi all,

I'll admit that I had to skip a couple of pages of this thread else I would never finish it!

However, I did just want to post a more detailed update for those of you that aren't on the IRC channel getting the live updates there...

First of all, please allow me to apologise on behalf of all the team for this extended downtime. During today's maintenance window we spotted something a little fishy and decided to monitor the glitch. Around one hour later we noted that a handful of people were booted out of the game. Upon investigation we found that there were issues with the SAN which is essentially where the database writes to/is stored. (Forgive me if I get some of this wrong, it's quite techy )

So, in order to prevent horrendous problems further down the line (such as rollbacks and corrupt databases) we decided to do the sensible thing and bring the servers down for investigation and resolution. Unfortunately it's proving to be an evil blighter and is taking much longer than we had anticipated. We've got NetOps on it, we've got on-site engineers on it at the data centre and everyone else who looks like they could help.

We will do everything in our power to get the problem resolved as fast as we can and in the meantime thank you for your patience and humour throughout this evening.

For live updates, I'm in the IRC channel setup by Davman until late, details as follows:


Thanks all

18/04/07 - 09.51 - Good morning. Over night the problem has been identified as hardware failure associated with system redundancy. The team have worked overnight on this issue and it’s been decided to move over to some backup hardware. We hope to have these up and running by lunchtime/early afternoon today. Please note that whilst we are using the backup servers there may be a slight performance decrease. Once those are online we will then work to replace the faulty hardware on the main servers and bring those back as soon as possible. Once again, we thank you for your patience during this period of extended downtime.

We will give you a more detailed explanation of the issue once everything is running smoothly.

Seguiré atento de los post. Me llama la atención como están manejando el problema la gente de Codemasters. Creo que es bueno que den información y tengan a los usuarios más o menos al tanto de como van las cosas y qué es lo que está pasando.
Es interesante ver como un juego cuyo desarrollo seguro ha costado decenas de millones de dolares, es tan complejo que necesite un ajuste de este calibre, después de las pruebas BETA y de carga que han hecho.