mayo 30, 2007

Java Monkey Engine, o "no todo tiene que hacerse en C++"

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Me comentaron en el curro la existencia de este Engine para Juegos, y yo pensé, "un Java3D pero más bonito".
Me pasé de listo, resulta que no, esta es la historia de jME:
jME was created by Mark Powell in 2003 while he was investigating OpenGL rendering. After discovering LWJGL he decided that Java (his language of choice) would be perfect for his own graphics tools. These tools soon grew into a primitive engine. After reading David Ebery's 3D Game Engine Design, a scene graph architecture was implemented. It was then that jME became part of Sun's software repository. jME soon saw others joining the project to enhance it's capabilities. It has since grown to encompass many advanced modern graphics features and turned into a stable platform for game development. Joshua Slack joined jME at the end of 2003 and became a core member and integral part of the jME team.

iscarding can mean a variety of things, but the most significant in Graphics programming is culling of data. jME's camera system uses frustum culling to through out scene branches that are not visible. This allows for complex scenes to be rendered quickly, as typically, most of the scene is not visible at any one time.

Frustrum es una tecnología bastante conocida para el tratamiento de escenas 3D, que te permite "obviar" aquello que está oculto al punto de vista en el que se está posicionado. Podeis echarle un vistazo a este artículo de Gamasutra que lo explica muy bien (hay que estar registrado en Gamasutra, es gratis).
En definitiva un Engine de gráficos para JAVA que está muy bien y que viene a cubrir un hueco que había.